Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nude For The Weekend!

Finally, I have the house to myself for the whole weekend, so I get to be free for 2-3 days. My folks left for a wedding and on Wednesday, they will be gone until next Wednesday!

I haven't had a weekend to myself for a long while, becuase my sister was living here, and my folks didn't go to their cottage where they used to go every weekend. So, I was only nude when I could be. I spent a lot of time in my room when anyone is here so I can be nude as much as I can. I love spending a log period of time nude, especially in the summer where I can go swimming at night and stuff.

I was thinking about exploring to woods again like I used to do but I've been kinda of nervous becuase of stories about wolves and stuff around here. For now, I just go outside to go swimming.

Gonna try and go to bed early to night so I can get up early and go swimming before dawn, if the water is warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

naurizm is freedom! good luck.

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