Thursday, April 5, 2012

What Would The World Be Like Today, If Clothes Weren't Required?

I don't mean, if everyone became a naturist today, I mean if our ancestors where naturists, and if people only worn clothes when they had to. If people didn't misread the Bible thinking that God intended for us to wear clothes 24/7. What would the world be like today?

The world we know now (bullying, discrimination, unequal rights, etc), would not exist. How would that change the world we live in today? Would that change how far we came with technology, invention etc? I'm sure it will, at least a little bit.

The world would be more peaceful. The reason why, is because when we shed our clothing, we shed the boundaries that we have in communication, judgement etc. Everyone would be seen as equal. Women would have the same rights as men and vice-versa. Everyone would be treated equally. That includes people from different race, gender, orientation, religion etc. We wouldn't judge people on their looks, or the size of their body, or the colour of their skin. The magazines you pass at the cash centre with talk about gossip, sex and lustful girls, wouldn't exist. So I think it would change the world almost entirely.

Since everyone we be treated equally, we wouldn't have bullying, discrimination, war etc. The Hunger Games wouldn't exist, which I like. The world would be peaceful. As far as how far we come along in inventions and stuff. It's hard to tell if we would be further, or behind. I'm guessing we wouldn't have came as far, because their wouldn't be so much demand on technology, but I could be wrong.

This day and age, we become so depended on phones, computers etc. People wouldn't leave their house without a cell phone. Naturism seems to be more happy with nature, and not as demanding on technology. I think every Naturist I know, prefers the outdoors better, then be sitting at home on the computer. Naturist are more caring about the environment and atmosphere. So we wouldn't have this problem with Global Warming.

We probably would still have computers, phones, and maybe even cell phones, but we wouldn't be so depended on it. Most naturist hardly use the Internet, as much as textiles do. Most Naturist don't use the Internet as much as textiles do. I do, because it's how a grew up, and I have an interest in computers and stuff. I would rather be outside, hiking, relaxing in the sun nude if I could. Unfortunately, where I leave, it's pretty limited to how much I can do that. At least until I move. It would be nice if that was actually a reality. It still can, but it would take quite awhile to convert everyone.

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